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  • SEIZED:: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection Book 2) Page 6

SEIZED:: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection Book 2) Read online

Page 6

  Knowing she was blushing, Viviana tried to respond nonchalantly. “I’m glad you don’t think I’m a glutton, Jax. It’s just that I was starving. I haven’t eaten all day, and I ran the Thunder Hill trail before I got ready to go to that dreadful party.”

  Jax narrowed his gaze and faced her with a questioning frown. “We’ll get to the dreadful party in a minute, Viviana. But first confirm that after you stormed out of my office this afternoon, you ran sixteen fucking miles on one of the most arduous trails in the Valley and still came to the party loaded for bear?” Shaking his head, he added in mock dismay, “Damn! I can only imagine how you would have behaved if you hadn’t burned off all that negative energy!”

  Seeing her tip up her chin and her eyes flash, Jax allowed a smile to cross his face, not wanting to challenge her . . . yet. “Maybe instead of just throwing daggers at me all night, you would have brought out a real knife or two. Although I have to tell you, sweetheart, those angry daggers blazing in your eyes were as powerful as your Ka-Bar or your balisong. At least with the real blade, you’d only strike me once instead of death by a thousand cuts.”

  Acknowledging that he’d broached the elephant in the room, he rose from his seat and walked over to the bar. Reaching for a second bottle of the Cloudy Bay wine, he said, “How about you finish that last piece of salmon while I open another bottle of this exquisite wine? Talk about being worth the cost. This wine has received a boatload of five-star reviews. In my opinion, all well-earned.”

  At her silence, he poured them each a half-glass of the straw-colored, aromatic wine and placed the glasses on the low table in front of the fire. Seeing that she hadn’t eaten the remaining fish, he sank down beside her and picked up her plate. “I have an idea, Viviana. Since it would be a crime to let this elegant food go to waste, how about I feed you?” He added, “You know how much I enjoy putting things in your mouth . . . ”

  Gratified that his provocative taunt spurred her to action, he grinned when she said, “That won’t be necessary, Chief Hughes; I am more than capable of feeding myself.” Sliding across the chaise as far away from him as she could get, she quickly ate the rest of the salmon and put the empty plate on the table with a smack. Reaching for one of the glasses of wine Jax had poured, she took a hearty drink and tossed him a challenging glare.

  “Hmm, is that an indication that my attempt to soften you with beautiful food has been partially successful? At least that you are full?” When she didn’t answer, only pressed her lips together in a firmer line, Jax pricked at her dismissiveness, not bothering to mask his humor. “May I presume that the battle lines are drawn and we are ready to move to the next item on our agenda?”

  Viviana raised her chin and met his gaze with a stormy one of her own. “Since you’re choreographing this multi-act drama, Jax, why don’t you tell me? Remember, I’m the one who wanted to go home.”

  “Ah, yes, my prickly princess, so you did. Or at least you thought that was what you wanted to do.”

  When she reared up and moved closer to the edge of the lounge, he shook his head. “Uh-uh, sweetheart. The next item on our agenda requires that if you aren’t sitting on my lap, that you be damned close. After all, if you burst into tears again, I want to be near enough to soothe you and keep you from breaking apart.”

  Viviana gasped and shot him a fiery glare. “You don’t need to worry, Jax. I don’t ever cry.” She corrected her righteous claim with a dismissive shrug. “Well, hardly ever.”

  Jax nodded thoughtfully and said, “Hmm. I remember you said the same thing the last time you cried in my arms.” He reached for her hand, not letting her pull away. “Did you ever think, Viviana, that if you allowed yourself to cry when you are upset, it might be a relief? That it might help you deal with some of your anger? Instead of lashing out or, worse, holding it in? Hell, Sergeant, you can only run so many miles and beat the leather bag for so many hours before even you have to give in to your angst.”

  When it was clear from her rigid body and downcast eyes that she wasn’t going to respond, Jax took the initiative. Reaching for her, he lifted her up onto his lap, gratified that after her first attempt to pull away, her body relaxed somewhat against his. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, confirming that he wasn’t going to let her go. After a moment, she laid her head on his shoulder and sighed in seeming acceptance.

  “That’s the way, darlin’. Given that we are about to tackle the issue that has been bedeviling us from the first time we saw each other, we need to be holding each other as closely as we can.”

  Chapter 9

  Knowing that Jax wouldn’t let her evade him, Viviana decided to pick up the gauntlet he’d thrown down when he asked her what was wrong with her. Unfortunately, she was angry with him on so many levels she didn’t know where to start. Meeting his narrowed gaze, she surprised herself—and she was sure, him—when she blurted, “I don’t know where I stand with you. How . . . what . . . you feel about me . . . ” Unable to finish her thought, Viviana tried to pull away from him.

  Jax shook his head, then tightened his grip and said, “Keep going.”

  Viviana expelled a hard sigh and whispered, “I don’t know if I can trust . . . ”

  She was relieved when Jax finished her halting sentence. “If you can trust me?”

  Viviana swallowed hard and nodded yes, then pressed her cheek against his muscled chest, not willing to look at him.

  Jax tipped up her chin, forcing her to meet his stern gaze. His voice was serious, without a trace of its usual irony. “Viviana, I understand that what happened in Belize shattered your trust. You believe that I betrayed you. And I did.” Rubbing his coarse beard shadow across her soft cheek, he added with a frown, “But, darlin’, it’s time for you to put that betrayal in perspective. You are a fellow law enforcement professional, and you now know the level of the operation that I was leading. I’m confident that you understand why I did what I did—at least from a professional perspective.” When she didn’t answer, just pressed against him farther, he continued. “Yes, I lied to you about who I was. But, Viviana, I did something much more potent than lying to you in Belize. As I told Greg today, I did something that in a million years I never believed that I would.” He held her chin, not letting her look away. Viviana was startled at the fierce expression on his rigid face and more shocked at his next words. “To put it baldly, Viviana, I fell madly, passionately in love with you.”

  Viviana didn’t know how many minutes or seconds passed before she was able to grasp what he was saying. She finally controlled her ricocheting emotions enough to stammer, “You . . . did? You . . . fell in love with me?”

  Jax groaned. “Yeah, sweetheart. When I saw you dive off that fuckin’ cliff, then clamber up the hillside stark-naked, I fell for you. Christ, at first I thought you were some crazy woman trying to commit suicide. I never dreamed you were gutsy enough to dive headfirst into a pool twenty feet below—just for the hell of it. Damn, darlin’, I thought I was an adrenaline junkie! Baby, your daring took my breath away.” He held her closer for a long moment and then said, “But do you know what you did that sealed the deal? Captured my heart and my soul?” When she shook her head no, he said, “When you saw me staring at you, voyeuristic asshole that I was, you hesitated for a moment, then, daring me, you stood tall, naked, and proud, flaunting your extraordinary body. After a breathtaking moment, you slipped on that gauzy see-through cover-up and turned to run up the hill. But at the summit, you looked back and tossed me a saucy smile and a wave. And then you were gone.” He was silent. “I didn’t acknowledge it until later, but, Viviana, at that moment I truly did fall madly, deeply in love with you.”

  Viviana sucked in a tortured breath. It was impossible to ignore his serious expression or the compelling certainty of his startling proclamation. Closing her eyes, not knowing how or if she could answer him, her dismissive retort died in her throat. But apparently Jax wasn’t going to stop. Grasping her chin, he said firmly, “Look at me, Viviana
. There’s more, darlin’, that you need to hear. As surprising as you seem to find my declaration, what’s even more shocking is the fact that you love me.”

  When she pulled away, truly startled, he shook his head and tugged her back. “Uh-uh, baby. It’s time that we get to the bottom of this crazy situation that we’re in. We’ve both reveled in our independence for so long, certain that commitment is not something we want or are seeking, it’s no wonder we’re scared. We’re like two love-averse warriors circling one another, trying to avoid a blow we’re sure is coming when what we both want to do is cling to each other.”

  Conjuring up enough spit in her mouth to try to answer his unbelievable assertions, Viviana manage to choke, “I . . . I don’t know what to say, Jax.” Before he could respond, she rushed forward. “I don’t know if I can . . . ”

  “Can what, Viviana?”

  She put up her hands in dismay and said, “If I can love you.”

  He smiled at her and shrugged. “The problem with that, darlin’, is that you already love me. Hell, you’re as crazy about me as I am about you. According to a number of people, including Greg Bannon, my friend and your new boss, and your rowdy partner, Mick O’Reilly, the fact that we are ass-over-elbows in love with each other is public knowledge. What we need to do is figure out how two fanatically independent people can give in to the fact that they are madly in love.”

  For a long moment, Viviana allowed herself to consider the enormity of what Jax was saying. She’d been stunned when he told her that he loved her. And while she wasn’t sure she believed him, she admitted that at some deep level she was thrilled. It seemed impossible that this extraordinary man, whom she was frankly crazy about, declared that he loved her. The problem was when he asserted that she also loved him. The minute he said it, the rush of joy she’d felt at his declaration became anxiety. What did loving him mean? That she’d feel as uncertain as she did now? That she would have to give up her independence? God, he was so arrogant, so domineering, so determined to control her.

  Her uncertainty had to be written on her face, because he shook his head and grinned. “Okay, sweetheart, before your active brain convinces you that we can’t possibly be in love with each other, how about you acknowledge that we are and then let’s address the real problem. Do you think that I’m not aware of how bossy I can be? Or that you are impossibly independent?” When she didn’t answer, he persisted. “C’mon, Sergeant Moreau. You’re the most courageous woman I know. How about you put all of your second and third thoughts about the ramifications of loving an overbearing, arrogant asshole like me aside and man up.” His grin hardened somewhat, but his voice was soft, not as demanding as his words. “Say it, Viviana. Tell me that you love me.”

  Viviana swallowed hard, then put up her hands in defeat. “I do love you, Jax. More than I knew it was possible to love someone. But I . . . I’m scared . . . and—”

  He pressed his finger against her lips, not letting her finish the sentence. “Stop right there, sweetheart. We can deal with all the ‘buts’ later. Instead, let’s stop for a moment and acknowledge the miracle that we have wrought. Consider this, Viviana. Arrogant asshole that I am and pathological loner that you are, we have actually taken the courageous step to declare that we are in love.” Grinning at her, his eyes danced but had a sheen of moisture that Viviana realized she had never seen before. “How about it, tiger? Can we just marvel in that momentous mutual declaration and figure out all of the other shit later?”

  Surprised at the tears burning her eyelids and the sob caught in her throat that made it hard to reply, Viviana nodded. “I . . . would like to do that, Jax.” She couldn’t keep from adding, “As long as we do deal with the shit . . . ”

  “Later, darlin’. Much later.”

  Lifting her off his lap, Jax laid her on the chaise lounge and stretched out alongside her. Gazing down at her, she was surprised to hear the catch in his voice. Running his finger across her lips, he murmured, “I don’t tell you enough how beautiful your mouth is, Viviana.” He shook his head and said with a sheepish grin, “Jesus, I’m always commenting on your gorgeous breasts and lusting after your phenomenal ass. But I don’t tell you nearly as often as I should how much I love your mouth and your beautiful eyes.” Stroking a calloused fingertip over her lips, he pinched the corner of her mouth and said with a chuckle, “Another thing I don’t do nearly enough is to kiss you. God knows we’re great at wild monkey sex, with me throwing you against the wall or fucking your brains out on the floor or wherever I can ravish you the fastest and the hardest way that I can. But soft, long, slow passionate loving? Starting with kissing this beautiful mouth of yours? Uh-uh, darlin’, I don’t do that nearly enough. And tonight seems to be a very good night to right that particular oversight. Starting with feasting on the most kissable lips and mouth I’ve ever had access to.”

  Jax leaned down and gently kissed each of her eyelids. Swiping at the tear on her cheek with his thumb, he murmured, “I hope that these are happy tears, Viviana. I gotta believe that they are, because I seem to have a few of my own fighting to get free. But enough talk; action is definitely required, starting with this.”

  Holding her face between his hands, he began to gently kiss her. Nipping at her puffy lips, he ran his tongue across the seam of her mouth from one corner to the other. “You’re gonna need to open to me, darlin’. Even though this is going to be slower than we’re accustomed to, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to take this luscious mouth of yours deeply and thoroughly.” When she reached up and wove her fingers in his hair, tugging at the short strands, pulling him down closer to her, he groaned softly. “Yeah, baby, do that. Show me how you like to be kissed.” Pressing his tongue against her lips he commanded softly, “Open to me, Viviana. Now, baby.”

  Jax thrust his tongue past her teeth, forcing her mouth open and began tangling with her probing tongue. In seconds their teeth were clashing, and she was kissing him as fiercely as he was kissing her. Their mutual groans testified to their growing passion. When she continued tugging at his hair, sending fiery sensations across his scalp, he gave in to the lust swamping him. Spreading open her robe, he gazed hungrily at her naked body. Shucking off his robe, he rose up over her.

  His voice was a raspy growl. “Jesus God, Viviana, going slow with you isn’t an option. I can’t get enough of you. I need you, darlin’, more than you can know.” Spreading her knees wide apart, he bent them back, then yanked her hips up hard against his strong thighs, baring her crotch to his eager gaze. His breath hitched at the sight of her glorious pussy, already puffy and glazed with her musky cream. Pressing his raging cock against the entrance to her weeping cunt, the command in his voice was apparent. “Enough foreplay, Viviana. Open to me. Now, baby! I need to get in here as deep and as hard as I can.”

  Chapter 10

  Whooee!” Mick jumped up from his chair, a broad grin splitting his handsome face. Charging toward her, he grabbed Viviana under her arms and whooping in excitement, swung her in a wide circle.

  Viviana laughed as she tried to free herself from his eager grasp. “Good grief, Mick. Put me down. Not only are you making me dizzy, you’re making a spectacle of me!”

  Mick stood her on the floor next to their table in the crowded neighborhood hangout and shook his head. “Sweet cheeks, I don’t give a damn what any of these low-life coppers think. Besides, honey, you are a spectacle no matter what you do. All you have to do is walk in the place, twitch that ass of yours, and every guy here has created a new page in his wet dream catalogue!”

  Dragging out her chair, he parked her in it and then plunked himself into the chair across from her, his eyes dancing with excitement. “I knew it! Dammit all, I fucking knew it!”

  Viviana raised her hands in disbelief. “For God’s sake, partner, what did you know?”

  Mick pumped his arm in a victory a gesture and marveled, “Jesus God, Vivi, I should have trusted my gut. I knew that righteous hunk of a man could pull it off, do what
no other man could possibly do.”

  Beginning to understand what her outrageous partner was referring to, Viviana shot him a narrow frown. “You want to be a little more specific, Mick?” She added, “Although I’m not sure I want to hear what has you doing this over-the-top happy dance. Particularly since every damn person in the diner is looking at us.”

  Mick’s smile widened and he shook his head. “To think that I ever questioned it. Oh me of little faith! But, dammit, Vivi, it was one thing for you to storm out of the mayor’s gig. But when you sashayed over to that taxicab and parked your sensational ass in it, not letting me take you home, I knew we were both in a world of trouble. Particularly when our new police chief came charging out of the bash after you.” Reaching across the table, he grabbed both of her hands and held them in his. His expression was a mix of wonder and chagrin. “Christ, Vivi, it was a fucking miracle that Jax let me bring you to the party, but the idea that he’d let me take you home? Or worse, take a fuckin’ cab? Hell, babe, we both shoulda known that wasn’t gonna happen. But even I didn’t expect him to run the damn cab off the road with that big, fancy ride of his, determined to capture his naughty little runaway.” Mick shook his head in disbelief. “I’m tellin’ you, sweet cakes, if you coulda heard that cabbie’s tale, you’d know why everyone in this godforsaken diner and, I’m sure, at the precinct were puttin’ money on the outcome.”

  Viviana glowered at him. “Great, Mick. Just what I hoped would happen. As if I enjoy being the titillating subject of the gossip mill and everyone’s go-to spectacle, now people are placing bets on me?”

  “C’mon, Vivi. You’re the Enchantress, after all. You are the center of attention when you walk in the damn diner. You think after you blew the mayor’s bash to bits in that cock-raising dress of yours—what there was of it—that people wouldn’t notice you storming out of the party? Chased after by none other than the new police chief?” A rare, serious frown overtook Mick’s expression. “I’m gonna confess, partner. I was worried about you last night. In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you cry.”