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Every Breath You Take Page 6
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Page 6
Lexie opened the door to hers and Jake’s quarters and breathed a sigh of relief at the darkened room. She closed the door behind her grateful that she could avoid Jake for the moment. If she was truly lucky she could be in and out of her shower and safely tucked in their bed where she could pretend to be asleep when he arrived.
Stripping off her sweaty running clothes, she cranked the shower up to steaming. Ten minutes with hot water beating on her quivering muscles restored her spirits somewhat. Smothering herself with fragrant lotion, particularly rubbing it into the tight knots on her neck and shoulders, also helped. It wasn’t the same as Jake’s caring ministrations the night before, but the best she could do, given that she intended to avoid her lover tonight.
She skimmed a pair of silky tap pants over her curvy butt and yanked on a matching halter. It was one of Jake’s favorite outfits, but then he loved all of her lingerie, the silkier and sexier the better.
When she came out of the bathroom it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dark bedroom. A flickering of red and gold from under the door to their sitting room was the only light. Coupled with the crackling sounds and smell of burning pine logs it was evident that not only was there a fire in the fireplace, but that a particular man—one she’d hoped to avoid tonight—was sitting in front of that fire. Lexie hesitated then screwed up her courage. She wasn’t naïve enough to think that she could get by without facing Jake. She stood for a moment with her hand on the doorknob then assumed a casual pose and opened the door.
Whatever élan she’d hoped to convey skittered off her like oil on a scalding griddle. Her jaunty greeting stuck in her throat at the sight of the big man lounging in the over-stuffed leather chair in front of the fire. Jake studied her through half closed eyes like a casual scientist observing a helpless bug pinned on a light board. A bug that he intended to dissect at his leisure.
Lexie choked back the moan that rose in her throat. Even now when the last thing she wanted to do was to talk to him much less listen to him, she couldn’t stifle the wave of sensations that flooded her core. Goddammit. Why did she let Jake do this to her? One look at the sexy man, his long legs stretched out in front of him, his bare feet crossed at the ankles, sent shivers of excitement snaking up her spine. A tight black t-shirt hugged his broad muscled shoulders and revealed his bulging biceps. Even his hands were big, strong. As though he could capture her in his grip with little or no effort. That he had on many occasions proved the point.
She clung to the door jamb, but was unable to resist his unspoken command when he motioned to her to enter. His quiet intensity magnetically drew her toward him. Clenching her hands into tight fists she crossed her arms over her chest. She wished she had thought to put on a robe, something more than this scanty revealing outfit. Inwardly she scoffed at her foolishness. It wouldn’t matter if she was wearing rubber wading boots and a knee length poncho. Jake would undress her with his eyes, stripping off her clothes one piece at a time until she stood bare, naked and vulnerable before his probing gaze.
The only comforting sight was the bulge tenting the front of his tight jeans. At least he was as aroused as she was. She scoffed at the thought. As though his arousal put them on an equal footing. Never. From the moment he gazed at her, his animal-like presence filled the space between them. He sat across the room, relaxed, easy, a sleek panther stalking his prey knowing that she was his to mold, to shape and drive to erotic abandon. At times like this Lexie despised Jake’s power over her as much as she craved it. If only the balance of power could be more equal. But for the moment, the memory of her childish departure earlier made her more vulnerable to him than ever.
His mouth quirked up at the corner in what could have been the beginning of a smile. But his dark blue gaze confirmed that mirth was not the emotion he was feeling.
She met his gaze. “I…I thought you were gone.”
“No such luck, Lexie. I’m here.”
She tossed her head and moved toward the sofa. She was eager to crouch in the corner and grab a throw pillow to cover her semi-naked body.
He shook his head, his eyes narrowing further.
“Uh uh. Don’t sit down.”
He pointed to a spot in front of him.
“Here, Darlin’. Stand here. I want you in front of me where I can see all of you. I’ll tell you when and where I want you to sit.”
When she raised her chin and glared at him, his responding grin was devoid of mirth.
“Did you think you could avoid me tonight, Lexie?”
She sniffed. “Apparently not.”
He smiled and took a long sip of the amber liquid in his glass. A half bottle of Makers Mark sat on the table at his elbow.
“Do you want to tell me what that was all about?”
She aimed for nonchalance but missed when her voice shook. “What… what was what all about?”
Jake studied her for another long moment.
“You’ve had a hard couple of days, Lexie.”
She shrugged. “Yes, and so?”
“Lexie, the murder of the girls would be a horrendous blow to anyone. Even someone as strong as you are.”
At his careful phrasing, her temper rose. She squared her shoulders and snapped.
“Stop patronizing me, Jake. Say it. Say that I spoiled Brady’s big day. The arrival of his stunning woman.”
Jake squinted at her. “No, Darlin’. I think the only person who looked unhappier than you when you marched out of the room was Brady.”
Lexie felt a wave of shame remembering her childish actions and the troubled look on Brady’s face. But she refused to stand here and let Jake interrogate her like she was a petty thief.
“Look, Jake. I’m sorry. I will apologize to Brady in the morning. I behaved badly.”
“Hmm. That’s not how I would describe your actions.”
Lexie didn’t wait to hear him articulate how rudely she’d acted. The memory was embarrassing enough.
“Fine. Let’s agree. I acted like a brat. I was cool, rude to Tiffany. Obviously she’s hot. Hell, she mowed all of you over.” Lexie choked back an involuntary sob. “First my brother, now Brady. God knows where you fit in the rotation, Jake. We should warn Peter. I guess she really is a team player.”
A frown marred Jake’s brow. His voice was soft.
“That remark is unworthy of you, Lexie.”
He held her firmly in his gaze until she managed to look away.
“Are you asking if Tiffany and I were lovers?”
Lexie shrugged and bit down on her trembling bottom lip. “Does it matter?”
Jake set his glass on the table and sat up straight in his chair.
“It does to me. And, apparently to you.” He waited for a moment but when she refused to answer him and kept her gaze riveted to a spot in front of him, he said, “In answer to your unspoken accusation, the answer is no.”
In the silence that followed, Lexie fought against the pain and was glad to feel her anger rising. Righteous indignation felt good. Much better than embarrassment. She’d had enough. Today had been bad enough. The last thing she was going to do was relive it though Jake’s accusing eyes.
She jerked her head around and glared at him.
“Great. Let’s get it all out on the table, Jake. And then I’m going to bed. So maybe Tiffany wasn’t one of the many women you’ve had in your past. I’m glad to hear it. Because that would make things worse than they already are. As for this morning, do you think I don’t know that I acted like a silly teenage girl? Jealous of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen who all the guys—even including you—were lusting after? Jesus, even Master Wan couldn’t take his eyes off of her.”
Seeing Jake’s eyes widen with surprise, Lexie sniffed. “Fine. I admit it. I acted like a spoiled child. Are you satisfied?”
Jake frowned. He looked puzzled then a flicker of what resembled amusement crossed his face.
“I don’t know whether to be amazed or charmed, Darlin’, at what you
just said. But before we continue this conversation, let me clarify a critical point. You’re not going anywhere until we finish this discussion. And, honey, in case you are wondering, I’ll be the judge of when we’re done.”
He unwound his lanky frame from the chair and rose to his feet. She tried not to be intimidated by the towering man looming over her. She squeezed her eyes shut knowing it was the only way to keep the hot tears from spilling down her cheeks.
His voice was soft.
“Come here, Lexie. Come here, baby.”
Before she could resist he’d closed the distance between them and pulled her into his embrace. She tried to break free but he tightened his hold. Giving in to her need to bury herself in his strength, she clutched at his strong arms and pressed her face in the comforting hollow of his shoulder, a place that had always seemed to be made especially for her.
He rubbed her back, his fingers tracing long sure strokes across her tense muscles. He shook his head and murmured, “Lexie, Darlin’? What am I ever going to do with you?”
She clutched at his shirt, not understanding what he meant. She only knew she needed his arms around her, badly.
To her surprise he scooped her up in his arms and muttered, “Damn, must be the light in here. That’s the only way I can explain it.”
Jake strode across the sitting room through their darkened bedroom into their spacious bathroom and room sized dressing area. He set her down in front of the wall of mirrors then walked over and turned on the overhead lights. He met her reflection in the mirror with a quizzical look then went from one area to another flipping on lamps. The light was blinding. Lexie squeezed her eyes to block out the glare.
When the room was flooded with light he came back and stood at her side.
“What are you doing, Jake? Why… what’s with the lights?”
Walking over and hitting the makeup lights on her vanity, he shrugged.
“Figure it must be something to do with the lighting that’s got you so mixed up.”
He ran his gaze over her body. Lexie pulled back at his arrogant appraisal. But given all the damn lights there was no way that she could hide. Jake tipped up her chin and stared into her eyes.
“No, this definitely is not a mistake—at least from what I can tell. Here, Darlin’; look in the mirror. Tell me what you see. Isn’t that Lexie Beloi in the mirror? I could swear on the red begonias adorning my Grandma Winnie Mae’s funeral hat that the woman in the mirror is my Lexie.”
At her frown, he persisted.
“Look, Darlin’. Tell me. Do you see the gorgeous woman that I see? Apparently not. Here, let me help you. Maybe you need a lesson in how to spot a work of art. I’m not surprised that you might get mixed up. Sometimes people get so accustomed to what is right in front of them that they don’t see it for what it is.”
Lexie had a glimmer of understanding and felt her face heat. Jake clarified his intent.
“Your amazing assertion that Tiffany is even more beautiful than you are convinces me that you have a perception problem, Lexie. Sometimes shining a light on the issue is the only way to clarify it.”
He grasped her by her arms and lifted her closer to the mirror.
“There. That should help. Okay baby, I want you to look in the mirror. Maybe it will help if I tell you what I see. If I describe the woman in the mirror.
“Let’s start at the top. See this gorgeous blond hair that you have all twisted up on the top of your head just begging for me to pull out the clips and let it tumble over your shoulders—like this.” He leaned down and removed the hair clip. Spreading the thick mass down her back, he murmured.
“Have you ever seen more beautiful hair than this, Lexie? It’s like a river of gold sparkling in the sunlight. Do you know what I like best about your hair? Even more than burying my face in its glorious fragrance? I like to wind my fingers through it—yeah and tug on it—like this. Not hard enough to hurt you but hard enough to let you know that your man wants you to lift up your face to his. Better yet, I want you to open your beautiful throat to my mouth.”
Lexie couldn’t hide her audible gasp or the shiver of excitement that shook her legs.
Jake grinned acknowledging that he felt the tremor in her body and knew exactly what his sexy words were doing to her resistance. Stroking a calloused fingertip over her throat, he murmured, “I’ve told you this before, Lexie, but every animal knows that this is the most vulnerable place on your body. It’s why a stallion buries his nose against his mare’s throat, to subdue her, hold her in place when he mounts her from behind.”
Lexie squirmed against him, just the thought of his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin under her ear, down her throat, sent torrents of heat ricocheting over her.
“I… I don’t understand what you’re doing, Jake.”
His eyes flared in mock surprise.
“You don’t? Why Darlin’, I clearly heard you say in the other room that Tiffany is the most beautiful woman in the world and that we were all lusting after her. Now Brady might indeed think that—and hell she is one fine woman. But Lexie… Lexie. Look at the creature in the mirror. Do you see what I see? Tell me baby, when have you seen hair like this? Or eyes the color of black jade? Or a mouth that has my cock tearing at my zipper whenever you bite down on that pouty bottom lip of yours? And speaking of lust? Honey, we haven’t even begun to examine the body of this glorious woman in the mirror.”
His voice thickened and his eyes narrowed sending another wave of heat to her core. Lexie should have been surprised but wasn’t at his next request—make that his order.
“Lift up your arms, Darlin’. Let me get this top off of you and I’ll show you what I mean.”
In the mirror Lexie saw her cheeks flush and excitement sparkle in her eyes. Jake twisted the silky top around her wrists and held her captured hands behind her neck. The flush on her cheeks brightened spreading to her chest when she saw how the position lifted her breasts. Her rosy pink nipples grew darker, harder by the second. Jake met her eyes in the reflection. Not freeing her gaze, he played one nipple between his fingers and thumb watching it tighten and bead into a hard sensitive nub.
“God baby, look at that! You have the most responsive nipples.”
Switching hands, he tightened his grip on the scrap of silk holding her hands behind her head, forcing her to thrust her breasts even father forward. His voice was soft, with a dangerous edge.
“You said we were all looking at Tiffany with ‘lust.’ Do you want to know what lust looks like, Lexie? Full-blown, Katie-bar-the-door, lust? Look in the mirror and look at my eyes. That’s what lust looks like. What a man looks like who is lusting after the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Lexie tipped her head back and closed her eyes to shut out the powerful sight. Jake was right. The look in his eyes was so intense, so filled with erotic need, that it shot fiery sensations between her legs. Helpless to halt the rampant desire flooding over her, she swiveled her hips trying to press her bottom against his hard arousal.
“Uh uh, honey. Not yet. Hot damn, if my cock can wait, so can you.”
He sunk to his knees behind her, his strong hands holding her hips in place. He bit one firm cheek then the other. When she squirmed and tried to twist away, he cautioned, “No, no! Keep your hands behind your head, baby. I love what that position does to those gorgeous breasts of yours.”
Gazing up at her in the mirror, his eyes gleamed brighter.
“Now I’m going to pull your pants down, Lexie. Hmm. Yeah, like this. Thank God for three-way mirrors. It would be a sin for you not to be able to see what I see.”
Pooling the silky pants in a whispery heap at her feet, he gazed at her bottom and licked his lips. The desire on his face humbled her. She knew how much he loved her body. He told her that continuously but she’d never seen it so frighteningly real as now.
“Damn, whoever designed these pants is a fucking genius. His woman must have had almost as beautiful an ass as yours, baby.”<
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Lexie’s voice shook. “Uh, Jake, m-most designers of women’s clothing are gay.”
Jake chortled. “Hell, they don’t know what they’re missing. But then a fine ass is a fine ass. But Lexie, yours is beyond ordinary gorgeous. It’s a work of art!
“Honey, bend over and spread your legs apart like this. Let me show you the ass that keeps my dick at full staff 24/7.”
He cupped her pale ass cheeks in his big hands his thumbs easing down the enticing crack between them.
His voice shook with emotion. “Look at you, Lexie. Have you ever seen a sexier sight?”
Lexie shuddered and moaned. Her face bloomed a bright rosy red.
“It’s kind of obscene, Jake. Don’t you think?”
“Oh baby, there’s not one damn thing about this body that’s obscene. The only thing that is obscene is you ever questioning how gorgeous you are or that I don’t love you more than life itself.”
He shook his head and groaned. The strain on his face was apparent.
“Lexie, I gotta fuck you. Damn, baby, that image of those two wild horses out in the field has got me even more turned on. How about you get down on your hands and knees and let me mount you from behind? Do you mind bein’ my mare, Darlin’?”
Lexie gave a strangled giggle as she moved to all fours.
“As long as you show me all of you so that I can lust after you the way you’ve been lusting after me!”
“My pleasure.” Jake’s grin was wide as he stripped off his shirt. Seconds later his jeans hit the floor.
Lexie gasped at the sight of him. His broad chest sprinkled with a crop of curly black hair between the flat planes of his nipples never failed to excite her. His biceps bulged with pent up energy and his butt was iron hard.