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Ring of Fire Page 14

  Erin swallowed hard and tried to brush by him.

  He smiled but his eyes were hard, a stormy sea green. “Tell you what, Erin, we can do this my way or we can do it my way. Either way you and I are going to spend tonight together on our boat. Frank is readying it now. While I can’t throw away my fucking phone, anyone who dares to call me in the next twelve hours better be willing to risk certain death if it isn’t an emergency.”

  Erin groaned. Damn him. He knew her so well. She loved being out on the lake with him in their boat, and he knew it. Some of their happiest moments were on the Spitfire, the houseboat he’d named for her.

  She shook her head, her lips twisting bitterly. “You think you can talk me into anything, don’t you?”

  His lip curled. “Yeah, honey, I do. The same way that you can talk me into doing anything you want me to do.”

  She couldn’t hide the hurt that was buried deep beneath her anger.

  “Except treat me like a professional woman, right, Nate?”

  Nate’s expression darkened. He hesitated then reached out and rubbed his thumb across her chin. If she weren’t so defensive, she would have acknowledged the pain in his eyes. When she pulled back, his gaze hardened, making it clear that he was done humoring her.

  His voice was curt. “We’ll discuss that later, Erin. Now you need to decide. Are you going to walk out with me and hop into my truck or am I going to truss you up and toss you in the back with the rest of my supplies?”

  When she snorted and jumped back, her anger flaring, he laughed.

  “On second thought, how about I truss you up now? It’ll save time later.”

  Before she could respond, he reached out and grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder.

  “Dammit, Nate. Put me down!”

  “Not a chance.” Trundling down the stairs, one hand securely on her butt and the other holding her legs, he nodded to the men standing in the shadows.

  “Mort and you too, Alan, you’re free to go. Erin, thank these nice officers who have been making sure that no one gets near you who isn’t me or Connor.”

  Erin pounded on his back and shrieked, “Nate! So help me God!”

  Nate grinned at the two smiling officers. “Guess I’ll have to thank you guys for her. Erin isn’t feeling real sociable right now.”

  The two men chuckled and saluted Nate.

  Ignoring Erin’s angry threats, Nate marched over to the truck and deposited her inside. He reached across and snapped the seatbelt over her chest. He shook his head. Damn, if looks were lightning strikes, he’d be a dead man. Her anger was hard to deal with, but it was the hurt, the sense of betrayal in her eyes that hit him the hardest. He sighed as he rounded the truck and climbed in behind the wheel. He snuck a quick glance at the rigid woman next to him and frowned. There were more emotions warring on her face than he wanted to acknowledge.

  Damn. He’d thought he had his work cut out for him last night. Hell, taking out the biggest meth stash in thirty states was comparative child’s play. Sitting next to him in their truck was a fire-spitting dragon with teeth bared, ready to attack. He comforted himself with the thought that a night with Erin and all that entailed was worth whatever he had to do to erase her anger and her hurt. But he didn’t kid himself. It wouldn’t be easy.

  Within minutes they were careening down the highway heading to the Henderson Marina. Nate pulled the truck into his parking space in front of the boat slips and hopped out. A stocky man with a Twins ball cap and a beer belly hanging over low hung shorts, hollered to him.

  “Hey! If it isn’t the biggest, baddest puhleese detective in the whole damn state—hell, in the universe.”

  The heavyset guy wiped his dirty hands on a filthy rag and grinned at Nate. There was more motor oil on his tattered muscle shirt than in the motor he was repairing.

  “Damn, Nate. Good to see you, man.”

  He nodded to Erin who’d stayed in the truck. “See you got the prettiest lady in Chicadia Falls with you. You’re a lucky son of a bitch, you know that don’t you, Nate?”

  “Yes, Frank, I do.”

  Nate clamped his arm around the older man’s stocky shoulders, then moved to open the passenger door for Erin. She brushed his hand aside and clambered down avoiding any contact. She smiled at Frank and murmured a greeting then headed for the boat dock, her slender shoulders set in a unyielding line.

  When the swarthy man quirked a questioning brow, Nate shrugged and murmured, “Women.”

  Frank slapped him on the back. He lowered his voice and winked. “Hell, Nate. You can’t live with ‘em and you can’t live without ‘em. Good to know even hotshots like you occasionally have woman trouble. But son, that woman would be worth any amount of trouble.”

  Nate sighed. “Wise words, my friend. And yes, you’re right. She is.”

  Nate reached in the back of the truck, grabbed for the large duffle, and hefted it up onto his shoulder.

  Frank walked alongside him, his glowing expression confirming his admiration for the most famous man in their town.

  “Saw you on the TV today, Nate. Everyone is talking about it. That was some raid you pulled off. Damn, Nate, gotta be after some real bad guys if you’re dealing with that much of the crystal poison. You watch out for yourself, you hear?” He nodded to Erin who was standing quietly a short distance from the two men. “And make sure you keep that little lady next to you. Anyone wanting to hurt you will go to her first.”

  Nate huffed a sigh.

  “Thanks, Frank, for making my point.”

  Erin smiled at Frank then walked stiffly to the end of the dock. She frowned but didn’t acknowledge the large picnic basket and ice bucket with a bottle of Champagne on the upper deck of their boat. Frank followed her and winked at her.

  “I think your man’s got a special night planned for you, Erin. We’ve had three deliveries to the Marina, all with orders that I was supposed to put them in your boat. Hell, honey, I think he even got you flowers.”

  Nate coughed discreetly. “Ahem, Frank. Think maybe I intended to surprise Erin with some of those deliveries?”

  The stocky man flushed to the roots of his graying hair.

  “Hell, I’m sorry, Nate. It’s just that everyone in this town has been buzzing about what you did today. I’m just pleased as punch that you decided to celebrate here on your boat. Makes me proud that I can help.”

  “No problem, Frank. I still got a few surprises up my sleeve.”

  The grease-splattered mechanic chortled and raised an appreciative eyebrow toward Erin. “I’ll just bet you do, Nate.”

  Nate finished unloading the gear from the back of the truck then motioned Frank aside. Slipping a bill into his friend’s pocket, Nate murmured, “I appreciate your help today, Frank. I always do, but today was special.” He gave a pained, self-effacing laugh. “I’ve got some serious fences to mend, man, and I’m hoping that with your help I can pull it off.”

  Frank shook his head. “Ah, Nate, that little woman is so crazy about you it oozes out of her pores.”

  The pudgy man hitched up his belt and gave Nate a conspiratorial wink. “Hell, even I can remember those days when it was worth causing an argument jest so’s me and my little woman could make up.”

  Nate grinned and said over his shoulder, “Yeah, Frank. There is that! See you in the morning, man.”

  Nate loaded the last of the supplies in the boat then turned to the stiff woman standing alongside the boat, her back to him. Throughout Nate’s bantering with Frank and untying the ropes securing the boat to the slip, Erin had made no move to get in the boat. Nate studied her for a moment, then came up behind her. Ignoring her defensive flinch, he put his arms around her and pulled her close to him, her back against his chest. He was quiet for a moment feeling her muscles tighten, her defenses harden. He nuzzled against her ear and spoke softly.

  “Erin, I know you’re angry with me and I know you’re hurt. And, honey, I understand why. But I’m gonna ask you, if just for ton
ight, you can let go of that anger. Maybe put it aside for the night. I need you, Erin. I need you in my arms. There’s so damn much going on around us. For tonight, can we leave it here on the dock and you and me—just us—head out on the lake?”

  When she didn’t answer, he blew gently against the sensitive spot beneath her ear, gratified at the tremor that shook her at his touch. He buried his lips in her fragrant hair dragging in a heady breath. Seeing her eyes close but not missing the tear on her cheek, he rocked her in his arms, murmuring soft, loving words.

  After a long moment, he asked again, “How about it, Erin? Can we close out the rest of the world and make tonight about you and me?”

  He encircled her slender body with his muscular arms, tightening his hold. He gave a sigh of relief when she relented and settled back against his strong body.

  She was quiet for what seemed like an eternity, then whispered, “Yes.”

  Chapter 20

  “Erin, have you seen those sailing ships of old? Not the pirate ships, although those would do. Mostly I’m thinking about the ones in the British navy that sailed between England and the West Indies. The ones with those exotic figureheads on the prow?”

  Erin giggled. “You mean the ones with naked women—mostly mermaids—perched on the front of the bow to ward off evil spirits?”

  Nate gazed at her stretched out in front of him, her pale naked body gleaming in the moonlight.

  “Yeah, those. If we lived then, and I was a sailor, I would have an artist carve you out of wood and paint you the way you look tonight. Then I would hoist you on the front of my ship and let men curse me, knowing that the most beautiful woman in the world decorated my ship.”

  Erin shook her head and gave him a saucy wink.

  “And if I was a sailor and an Amazon warrior, I would have my artist slave carve you the way you look now and put you on my ship.” She hesitated, peering at his groin and added with a soft smile, “Or maybe the way you looked twenty minutes ago….”

  When he growled and reached for her, she dove for the side of the boat but he caught her ankle. Dragging her up beside him, he fastened her with a mock glare.

  “So my little vixen only wants me fully erect before she’ll put me on her ship?”

  Erin grinned. “You have to admit that if you want to make all the other sailors jealous and the fair maidens faint in embarrassment, a ‘fully’ erect staff would be the most enticing.”

  He grabbed her hand and placed it between his legs.

  “Good thing that you have the power to turn me from sensational to stupendous. How about it, Vixen? It’s been twenty minutes since I was balls deep in that luscious body of yours and now you’re complaining? Maybe you should get to work and make me the envy of grown men the world over.”

  He flipped her onto her back and knelt up on his knees and gazed at her.

  “On second thought, your tight little fist around my rowdy cock would make these next several minutes go way too fast. No Erin, before I come in you again, I’m going to taste every part of you. I want you to hear you screaming so loud that the fish will head for the bottom of the lake wondering what phenomenon is frolicking in the moonlight. Because Erin, I wasn’t teasing you about the figurehead.”

  Erin laid back and put her arms up over her head delighting in how the simple movement that made her breasts peak heightened the rosy flush on Nate’s face.

  “You mean you really are going to hang me up on the bow of our boat? What if the fish think I’m bait? And nibble on my toes?”

  “Like this, Erin?”

  He snatched one slender leg and stroked her calf then brought her foot to his lips. Licking each one of her toes he sucked on them noisily making her squirm at the ticklish touch.

  “Don’t, Nate! That tickles. I think you really do have a foot fetish. You’re always sucking on my toes and, good God, the way your eyes widen when I wear my five inch heels confirms it.”

  Nate threw back his head and roared.

  “Hell, yes, Erin. I have a foot fetish and a hand fetish and a breast fetish and a neck fetish and….” He smiled at her, his eyes shining in the dark night. “Let’s face it, spitfire, I have an Erin fetish. I can’t get enough of you, Erin. And if you want proof, check this out. Am I ready for the prow of your ship?”

  Erin gasped. Nate was truly astonishing. They had been in each other arms from the moment he powered up the boat and headed for a quiet cove close to one of small uninhabited islands off the middle of the lake. She flushed remembering how he tossed the anchor over the edge of the boat and turned to face her. His expression was so serious, so intent, she couldn’t turn away. All of her intentions to rebuff him, to hold back, were lost in that moment.

  He’d done exactly what he should have if he wanted her to melt in his arms. He’d asked her to be only with him. To let the rest of the world take care of itself for tonight. It was an offer she couldn’t refuse. Now after two hours and at least five orgasms, he was kneeling in front of her gazing at her as if she was a goddess and the only other person in his world.

  She flushed knowing she couldn’t cover herself if she wanted to, but his gaze was so fierce, so intimate, she struggled, knowing that her chest was as pink as her face. His lips quirked up and he nodded as if he knew what she was thinking.

  “Your body is amazing, Erin. Do you know all I have to do to make your nipples harden—yes, like that—is to look at you? My gaze alone tightens them to hard berries.”

  Erin squirmed under his fierce scrutiny.

  “I… know that, Nate. But… do you have to look at me as though you are about to eat me up?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, honey. If that is what I look like then I should never play poker because that is exactly what I want to do to you.”

  He leaned down and whispered, “Do you know how sweet you taste, Erin? In all those special places that drive me to distraction? Just the thought of them makes me hard, but the taste, Erin? It makes me ravenous for you.”

  Erin struggled to keep from shivering, His voice sent currents of electricity shimmering through her body. Dear God, if his words could do that, was it any wonder that she barely survived his tongue and his lips and his teeth.

  He crawled up over her, resting on his hands and knees. She trembled at the nearness of his powerful body. She wondered why she wasn’t frightened by his “bigness.” He was in truth a huge man. He was tall, broad-shouldered and had an extraordinarily well-developed physique. Moreover, he was a trained fighter. She knew he had killed men with his bare hands. He loomed over her, his aroused cock brushing tantalizingly close to the apex of her thighs. Marveling at his eight-pack abs, his muscular shoulders and biceps, she stroked his hips and taut butt. She loved Nate’s ass almost as much as she loved his cock. But even as strong as he was, as powerful, he touched her gently. Insistently, sometimes deeply, often hard, but he never hurt her. Even when he tied her to their bed as he often did, or took her on the floor, or the kitchen table, or hard against a wall, it didn’t scare Erin. Instead he drove her crazy with his expert fingers and his wicked tongue. Given her ugly past, they’d both been surprised and delighted that Nate’s demanding, adventurous loving excited her as much as it did him. She knew why. She trusted him as she had never trusted anyone. She knew he would go to his death rather than let anyone hurt her. The downside was that he was as possessive and territorial as the alpha dog of the most violent pack. Before she could focus on how that possessiveness sometimes separated them, he brought her back to the present with his soft command.

  “Open to me, Erin.”

  She groaned when he nudged her legs apart with his strong thighs.

  “That’s the way, baby. How can I taste you unless I can touch you here? Oh darlin’, do you know how wet you are? It will take me hours to lap up all of this goodness here.”

  After he’d wrung three orgasms from her and was threatening a fourth, Nate slid his big hands under her bottom and cupped her ass cheeks in his hands. Lifting her hips off
the ground he raised her so high she was almost resting on her shoulders. Rising to his knees, his heart hammering with excitement, he pressed his cockhead against her swollen lips.

  “Are you ready for me, Erin? Ready for me to invade your hot, sexy body? Like this?”

  At her beseeching wail, Nate groaned and with a mighty lunge drove deep inside of her. In a series of hard, fast thrusts he pounded into her, driving deeper and deeper until he was hard up against her cervix. As Erin involuntarily clenched the hard length of him with her strong internal muscles, he gave in to his release. His exultant shout echoed across the still waters.


  Erin giggled when Nate pressed the half-eaten strawberry against her lips.

  “What are you doing, Nate?”

  “I’m feeding you, baby.”

  “Why? I can feed myself.”

  “I know you can, but I like to watch you fondle this juicy berry with your lips and tongue.”

  “Is everything about sex, Nate?”

  “Oh honey, you already know the answer to that. Look at what you’ve done, Erin. There’s juice running down here and here and here.”

  He pressed his lips against hers noisily licking off the juice dribbling down her chin. In seconds he’d buried his mouth between her breasts licking at the nonexistent juice there.

  Erin gasped at the shards of excitement flooding her. They’d had the most remarkable night. It touched her deeply that Nate had tried to make this night special. She was stunned at the extent of his preparations. Frank was right. Nate had bought flowers; but instead of handing her a grocery store bouquet, he’d sprinkled rose petals from one end of the deck to the other. He’d placed dozens of candles around the boat. Their flickering lights lent a magical aura to their floating love nest. But it was the picnic basket that yielded the most surprises. It was filled with exotic food, fish, fruits, and vegetables. All were cut in bite sized pieces. Not surprisingly there was no silverware.

  Erin curled up against him, satiated in every way. Her body was still humming from her last orgasm. She didn’t know if she could tolerate another. Her intimate folds were swollen, tender. Her poor nipples ached. But it was a glorious ache. Startled she heard a match strike and sat up to see Nate lighting the miniature stove that they used when camping.