JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3) Read online

Page 10

  Mac finished putting an array of aromatic dishes on the table then flushed nervously.

  “I’m sorry, Jorden, but I’m not much of a cook. This is takeout. I ordered it before you came. I hope you like Thai food.”

  Jorden’s stomach growled in earnest, making them both laugh. Examining the fragrant dishes in the serving bowls, he said, “Like it? Thom Kai, green curry, Pa Nang? Honey, you couldn’t have chosen a better meal. I’m embarrassed to tell you that everything I’ve consumed today has been in liquid form. Put it this way, I hope you have extra rice.”

  Her eyes twinkled at the sight of him standing in the doorway wrapped in a towel. “Uh, counselor, not that I require formal dress for dinner, but I do have a Chinese kimono that might hit you at knee length.”

  As she finished setting the table, Jorden retreated to the bedroom, found the kimono she’d referred to and tied the silky wrap at his waist. Knowing that she hadn’t heard him come up behind her, Jorden was amused to see her concentration. Obviously she was trying to make the meal special. When she started to light the candles, he reached for her and pulled her back against his chest, welcoming her surprised gasp.

  Taking the matches from her, he said, “Here darlin’, let me help.” Rubbing his beard shadow against the tender skin below her ear, he felt her tremble. “This looks wonderful, McKenna. Thank you for…everything.”

  She stepped away and gestured toward the table. “I…didn’t think you’d mind eating at the dining room table, my kitchen counter isn’t—”

  With a horrified gasp she stopped in mid-sentence. The flush sweeping her face was almost as bright as the fiery curls twisted on the top of her head.

  Pressing her fingers against her lips, she didn’t try to explain. She didn’t have to. The memory was too clear to them both.

  Not willing to do anything to lessen her embarrassment, Jorden piled on. “Would I mind eating at the dining room table? Why, Dr. Durant, I know one shouldn’t make assumptions, but I’d assumed the dining room table was where I could always expect to eat at your house.”

  He laughed aloud when she growled at him and tried to shove him away. Pulling her up against his chest, he murmured in her ear, “Uh-uh, McKenna. Now that I’ve recovered from my emotional breakdown and am reasonably sober, it’s time to establish the guidelines for the rest of our evening. New rules, baby. And yes, I know it’s your house. Just like I know that we have traded off driving each other crazy in this house.”

  Swiping at her ear with his tongue, he added, “How about we change the rules in both of our favors? Not that I haven’t enjoyed our incredibly sexy and prolonged foreplay. But methinks it’s time to consummate this torrential love affair we’ve started.”

  He pressed her hand against his burgeoning cock and chuckled. “As you can tell, critical parts of my anatomy agree with my proposal. But then we can always count on him to second the motion if he thinks that means that he gets to be inside of you. What about you darlin’? What is your body saying?”

  Holding her tightly against him with one arm, he slipped his hand past the waistband of her sweats and rubbed his hand against her bare pussy. Dragging his moist fingers from between her legs he held the fragrant digits against her lips. Delighting in the passionate moan that rippled through her, he said, “Taste this, McKenna, and then tell me if you’re also ready to curtail the foreplay and get to the real fucking thing.”

  He held her against him for a long moment, drinking in the essence of her heady fragrance. Ignoring her surprised expression, he pushed her away and took his seat at the head of the table. When she pulled out one of the side chairs he shook his head. Instead, he pointed to his lap, indicating that she should sit there.

  At her glower, Jorden smiled. “Hmm, being feisty, McKenna? Not sure you like the new rules? Suit yourself. But I thought you were hungry. I know I sure as hell am.”

  Jorden took his time serving himself from the steaming bowls of succulent food, placing healthy portions of the various dishes on the plate in front of him.

  Mac frowned when he put the bowls of food to the far side and picked up his chopsticks. She didn’t hide her annoyance. “I don’t understand, Jorden. I appreciate that you haven’t eaten today, but it’s ten o’clock and I’m a tad hungry myself. And not to make to put too fine a point on it, it is my fucking house.”

  Jorden leaned back in his chair and studied her with a salacious grin. “I thought we’d already settled that issue, McKenna.”

  “What issue might that be, Jorden?”

  “The issue that I don’t give a good goddamn if it’s your house or mine. Tonight, it’s the place where I’m going to drive my cock so deep and so hard into that luscious cunt of yours that you’re going to be feeling it for days to come.”

  At her shocked gasp, he said thoughtfully, “I’ve been thinking about that leash we discussed earlier today. I think that is going to be my first purchase at the fetish shop tomorrow. Clearly I’m going to need tethering equipment to keep my little she-cat in place. In the meantime, this will have to do.”

  He reached in the kimono pocket and pulled out his belt. He put the coiled strap on the table and asked with a taunting wink, “What is it about the smell of leather that makes my cock throb?” He grinned at her but the glint in his eyes was anything but amused. “What about you, McKenna? Does this leathery smell, coupled with the thought of what I might do with this belt, cause the moisture to flow in that juicy pussy of yours?”

  When she jumped back, bright patches of scarlet staining her cheeks, he laughed and motioned for her to come to him. When she shook her head, he pushed his chair back and rose to his feet. Unwinding the belt, he let it hang carelessly by his side.

  “While this is not as useful as a leash to keep you where I want you, if I fold it like this, and smack it like this,” He smacked it against his hand and grinned when she jumped, “I can at least get your attention.”

  Dropping the belt on the table, he loosened the tie on his robe, allowing the edges to spread open.

  Mac startled at the sight of his engorged penis, its thick length pressing against his stomach. Before she could back away further, he grabbed her hand and pulled her up next to him. His beard shadow was rough against her cheek.

  His gruff words were low, threatening. “Goddamn, all this time I thought I was starving for food, but what I really wanted, what I’m craving, McKenna, is you.”

  Ignoring her startled shriek, he grasped the neckline of her t-shirt and in one quick move, ripped it from top to bottom and tossed it to the floor. He groaned at the sight of her full breasts and rosy nipples that had already hardened into pointed nubs, begging to be sucked. He shoved at his need to capture her lush breasts in his eager hands and mouth. Instead, he grasped her under her arms and strode to the far end of the table. With a rough groan, he picked her up and tossed her down against the hard surface. Not able to quash the fierce growl rising from his throat, he dragged her ass toward him. Bending her knees up against her shoulders, he reached under her and grasped the waistband of her sweats. He ripped them off, then pressing her knees to her chest, he spread her bare legs open and wedged himself between them.

  With a growl that could have come from an animal in the wild, he cupped her pussy. With two strong fingers, he spread her intimate lips, then shoved the end of his distended cock against her entrance. When she cried out in shock, he didn’t apologize and he sure as hell didn’t stop. At some primitive level, he understood that he’d reached his limit, the extent of his fragile control. Since he’d arrived at her house three days before and asked her to suck him off, to this very table the night before when he’d gorged himself on her luscious cunt, he’d been waiting for this moment.

  Grunting sharp commands, he warned her. “I’m not going to stop, Mac. I’m going to take you. Now! Hard, baby, hard and deep.”

  Not waiting for an answer, he trusted that the succulent juices streaming from her swollen cunt proved that her need was as great as his. Gra
bbing her ass cheeks in his big hands, he wrenched her up against him and pressed his engorged head against her weeping cunt. With a powerful thrust he entered her, driving himself deep into her glove-tight channel. Her welcoming shriek ratcheted his desire higher. With one, two, and then a third grunting thrust, he drove himself in to the hilt, balls deep inside of her. Not able to hold back another second, with a ferocious roar worthy of the fiercest animal in the jungle, he gave into the most powerful climax of his life.

  Jorden collapsed over her sweaty body, unwilling and unable to pull back. He laid his head against the damp cushion of her breasts and fought to regain his breath. Her sobbing, whispery sounds were angel voices to his ears, confirming that she’d been as wildly aroused as he was. Murmuring his name over and over, she rubbed his back, his ass, and then held his head tight against her chest. Jorden could never have forgiven himself for taking her like he had if she hadn’t been as needy as he was. Feeling the shuddering aftershocks shaking her body, he reveled in the knowledge that this incredible woman, who he would never be able to get enough of, had wanted him as much as he wanted her.


  Jorden held her against him, letting the hot spray course over their sweat-drenched bodies. Focusing the showerhead, he splashed body wash down her back and legs, then grabbed a washcloth and rubbed the soapy water over every inch of her body. He paid particular attention to her breasts and the succulent folds between her legs. At her soft moans he couldn’t resist pressing her face first against the wall and spreading her ass cheeks. He murmured in her ear, “I didn’t take you here, McKenna, but I’m going to.”

  At her squeal and attempt to pull away, he held her tighter and ran a soapy finger around the tight pucker. “And baby, just so you know, you’re going to love it. You’ll be begging me for more.”

  After he’d thoroughly dried her, he wrapped her in a fluffy towel and tucked her into her bed. Bending over her he grasped her chin and looked into her eyes. “What’s the verdict, Ms. Durant? Warmed up Thai food, a glass of wine, or sleep?”

  Mac wiggled further under the covers. “Yes, please, Jorden. All three, in that order.”

  He laughed and shook his head in agreement. “Thank goodness. If you’d said no to the Thai food, I would have had to wait until you fell asleep and then eaten it all by myself.”

  “Oh no, you don’t, Mr. Justice. I’m starving.”

  “How about this, you incredibly sexy woman? I’ll bring you a glass of wine while I’m getting our food ready. You prepared it the first time. I’ll do the microwave honors for the second time around.”


  Plucking a juicy piece of shrimp from the fragrant curry, Jorden held it against Mac’s lips. “Open up, baby.”

  When she opened her mouth he pressed the morsel past her lips, then bent down to capture half of it for himself.

  She flushed and giggled at his antics. “I don’t know, Jorden, if I’m going to get enough to eat if we do it this way.”

  He laughed. “Okay, how about a three to one ratio. For every three bites you eat on your own, we get to share one.”

  After they’d devoured the rest of the food and Jorden had poured each of them a second glass of wine, he held her close to him. Pinning her with a narrowed gaze, he said, “McKenna, I feel like I should apologize to you for what happened in there.”

  She tipped up her chin and said dryly, “By ‘in there’, you mean when you wouldn’t let me eat unless I sat on your lap, then threatened me with your belt, ripped my t-shirt off, picked me up and threw me down on the dining room table, stripped off my pants and…”

  At her flushed hesitation, he finished her sentence, “And fucked the hell out of you?”

  When she nodded in affirmation, he said, “Yeah. That’s what I’m thinking I should apologize for.”

  She nestled against him and said with a soft smile, “Don’t apologize.”

  He chuckled. “I wasn’t going to.”

  As she drifted off to sleep with his arms around her and her head pressed against his chest, she murmured sleepily, “At least I didn’t have to learn what you intended to do with your belt.”

  He rubbed his hand across her curvy bottom and said, “Oh honey, that lesson isn’t off the table. It’s just been postponed.”

  Chapter 15

  Chloe stood at the free throw line, her expression a study in concentration. Her brow was furrowed, her lips pressed in a firm line. She peered up at the basket as if it were a football field’s length away and not the regulation fifteen feet. She’d already made one pass during her practice drill but had hesitated.

  Jorden could almost feel the tension radiating off of her. He blew out a deep, calming breath, as if he could breathe for her. It was no wonder she’d frozen. The scoreboard said it all. The score was tied seventy-seven to seventy-seven. More compelling than the score was the number on the time clock. It showed twelve seconds left to play in the game.

  At the start of the fourth quarter, the Wildcats were a daunting thirteen points behind the Spartans, the best team in the league. Marcia Ojakangas’ clutch three-pointer from the half court with two seconds on the clock had brought the game to a one-point difference. Jorden’s gut clenched when Chloe was fouled, meaning that her two free throws could make the difference between winning and losing the game. The energy in the field house was palpable as Chloe stepped to the line. The crowd went wild when her first shot hit the rim, then after a harrowing spin around the hoop tipped in tying the game. She now had a chance to put the Wildcats ahead by one point and potentially win the game.

  For the third time, Chloe spun the ball in her hands and once more hesitated. Sending her every kind of energy he could, Jorden saw her glance at the sidelines. He didn’t know what Mac said or did but it was clear that a message passed between the tense player and her coach. Chloe nodded almost imperceptibly, then spun the ball three times, bounced it twice, took aim and let it fly. When it sailed through the hoop without so much as grazing the net, the home court stands went wild. Thanks to Chloe, the Wildcats were ahead by one point.

  The sharp whistle signaled that the Spartans had called for a timeout to prepare for a do-or-die winning drive. The Wildcats surrounded Mac in a tight huddle. She drew plays on the board, pointing out the options to the intense players hovering around her. Her urgent gestures and the fierce expressions on the girls’ faces as they studied the play board confirmed that they knew it was now all about defense. Mac focused her attention on the center and forward guards, knowing that the taller players would have the best chance of preventing a successful layup.

  When the Spartans took the court with nine seconds on the clock, Jorden focused on their star player. Number thirteen, Heidi Fields, was a state-ranked senior who was being recruited by every college in the division. Jorden had admired the astonishingly skilled player since she was a kid playing at the Y. She was known for her long, impossible to make shots, but Jorden knew that her weak point was that she wasn’t a team player. As if to confirm, Heidi took her time dancing in the backfield but chose not to pass to her forward who was practically unguarded under the net. Instead, she waited until three seconds showed on the clock, then from two feet inside the fifty-yard line she threw a beautiful arching ball that rimmed the hoop twice and rolled out.

  Seconds of dead silence were followed by ecstatic screams from the Wildcat fans. In the melee that followed, Jorden and Emma fought their way through the excited crowd to courtside. He met up with Paul and Sophia along the way and they spent the next couple of minutes congratulating each other on the clutch plays that their two sophomore girls had made. Plays that without question had won the game. Accepting congratulations from other parents, they all moved to the corner where Mac was giving the traditional after-game pep talk to the gleeful team. The parents stood respectfully back as Mac reviewed the critical plays of the game and congratulated each girl for a particularly good play. She also laid out some of the things that they would be working on in practice.

  With a nod to the excited group of parents ringing the huddle, Mac said with a laugh, “In conclusion, as much as I like winning, ladies, how about next time we do it with more than three seconds on the clock! We wouldn’t want to freak out your parents any more than we have to.”

  The cheers from the parents and excited players filled the gym.

  Chloe spotted Jorden in the crowd and started moving toward him. Parents and players along the way congratulated her and by the time she reached him, Chloe was glowing. She threw her arms around his neck and looked up at him, her eyes shining with excitement. “Dad, can you believe it? I made that free throw.”

  “You sure did, sweetheart. You made two of them. Both at tremendously challenging times in the game.”

  “I know Dad. I knew how much everyone was depending on me and for a few minutes, I just didn’t know if I could do it.” Her voice dropped and she confessed, “I was really freaked, Dad. It was like I froze.”

  “Yeah, I saw that, honey, but you unfroze and made a terrific shot.”

  Chloe said confidentially, “It was Mac, Dad. She’s been working with me on my confidence. We’ve developed special code words and signs that are just for me. No one else on the team knows them. They help me focus when I get nervous or don’t think I can make a shot. And, Dad, today it worked! It really worked.”

  “I’m impressed, sweetheart. You believed in yourself and it showed. Congratulations. That’s what makes a champion, Chloe.

  Chloe laughed. “You sound like Coach, that’s how she talks.”

  Jorden hugged her tight then backed up so that Emma could get through the crowd to her big sister.

  Emma was jumping up and down with glee. She grabbed Chloe and swung with her in a big circle. Breathless with excitement she said, “Chloe, that was like totally amazing. OMG! I was so totally freaked out. I kept sending you energy. Crossing my fingers and my toes. How did you keep your cool? Talk about scary!” She hugged her again and then kissed her. “I’m so proud of you!”